Beating Creative Fatigue: A Coaching Cue Card
How often do you find yourself thinking or talking about how tired you are? If it’s affecting your creative life, a path forward from this fatigue may help.
Beating creative fatigue cues:
What are you tired of, or from?
I’m so tired of _____________, because _______________________.
How is this fatigue affecting your creative work or satisfaction?
If not for being so tired or tired of, I would be able to ___________.
What’s the effect or experience of this fatigue weighing on you?
This kind of tired feels like ____________, and the result is _______________.
Imagine no longer having this tiresome condition in your life. Describe specifically what that looks like, what changed.
In a world where this I’m free from this thing I’m tired of or from, my creative life and work feel so ____________________ because ________________.
What would it look like to drop or address whatever you’re tired of or from, or at least the portion that’s weighing most on you?
Dropping or addressing the cause of this tiredness would mean I would ______________ so that ___________________. The good effect I think I would see is ___________________________.
Experiment, evaluate, evolve. Do What Works.
Coaching cue cards give you a sounding board with yourself, a way to uncover insights and set your own path forward for a situation you may experience. They invite you to do a little self-coaching about something that can affect your progress and satisfaction with your creative work, whatever that is.
Coaching cues look easy (and usually are) and maybe a little too self-evident until you take the time to write down your answers and find a moment of insight or inspiration.
Self-coaching doesn’t replace professional coaching or anything else. It does offer a way to navigate your creative experience with more clarity and a surer touch.