The Best 3 Minutes You Can Give Your Project
Pull out your creative project for work or play right now---for real, or in your head.
Can you get started now, fast, well, without a hitch?
Or do you just need to remember what to do first, today?
Maybe you need to see where you stand in the big picture and steer with a steadier hand toward the goal. Why stumble forward toward a blurry vision?
For some creative work, experience and instinct are all the navigation we need for a creative project. Other times we need next-turn directions or a zoom-out view. Either way, there’s a creativity navigator that can make our project work count for more.
Let’s start with the essential Daily Navigator.
Daily Navigator: A GPS Nudge for Next Turns
Walking or driving to the downtown shopping mall in a new city, you want to activate your GPS application, so you don’t stop in the middle of traffic wondering where your next turn is. The navigator you need is the one that helps you with right now.
Before you start work on your creative project today, you want to pull out your Daily Navigator so you don’t stall out wondering what your next step is or how to overcome the latest obstacle.
The Daily Navigator is the creativity navigator that helps you with right now. It’s like a personal GPS app for your project, giving you clarity and confidence about what to do now.
Every time you take three minutes to do the Daily Navigator, you set up the small nudges you need to get started fast and well. You’ll also solve some of the day’s problems in advance. Even better, you’ll stay tied to why this project matters to you and how it’s already working for you.
It’s arguably the best three minutes you can give your project any day of the week.
When your project isn’t particularly complex or unfamiliar, and doesn’t stretch out across the calendar, a Daily Navigator may be the only navigator you need to stay clear and on track, start to finish.
Start Here
You can read a little more about the four questions to steer your daily creative work.
Or get started with the Daily Navigator now.
When you have more of a project on your hands, try adding the next step, the Weekly Navigator, coming up next.