The Creativity Compass


Creativity Compass - Deanna Vogt.png

Anyone in messy, unknown territory needs a good map

Sometimes we need a way to get oriented and find the next step forward.

Whatever kind of creative work or play you do, you can use a simple process map for navigating your more difficult or complicated creative projects. With a map, we can helicopter up and see, Oh, I'm here. So I can go in this direction, and get there.

A creativity compass takes us from start to finish in any kind of new-territory project.

  • If it’s hard to get started or remember what we meant to do next , we can get a quick boost in three minutes or less with a Daily Navigator.

  • For those times when we aren’t sure we’re making progress, feel disconnected from our big picture, or aren’t sure how to handle an obstacle, there’s a Weekly Navigator. In about 10 minutes you can have insights and confidence for moving ahead on a better footing

  • When it seems we’re in a transition stage, don’t understand why what worked before isn’t working now, feel completely lost, want to look back at where we’ve come and celebrate some wins, or feel inspired to get ready now for what’s coming next, we can get reoriented by consulting the project map. It’s the 30,000 foot view with practical application.

A map and set of navigation tools

Creativity navigation tools will address the essential challenges of anyone doing original work: making anything that’s new, solving sticky problems, finding light bulb insights, expressing creative vision, leading new initiatives, or generating inventive ideas and solutions arriving at valuable conclusions. 

These tools are separate from the tools of your trade or your craft. The Compass is distinct from the body of content knowledge and experience in whatever turf you’re playing on. 

Center and amplify your practice

Navigating the creative process is something more than applying the best practices of your field or project type. It’s a centering and amplifying practice we can lay over the terrain of whatever field we are working or playing in, whatever project we are working on.